Wednesday 2 July 2014

The Origin Story

In the beginning, there was nothingness. It was peace. No one knows how long this lasted, for when nothing exists, there is no real concept of time. You could say this wasn't really the beginning, as there existed nothing. Then life began. Within the nothingness sprung light. The first. The peace and the balance was broken as a great light exploded forth. As this light shone bright, darkness surrounded it. The light came into being with one purpose; to create. The darkness surrounding it, however, also had one purpose. To destroy. The darkness wanted to destroy the light, and the light wanted to illuminate the darkness with life. The light was too strong for the darkness to destroy it, but whenever the light tried to create something, the darkness would destroy it. The light and dark were at a stalemate.

The Great Light decided to try something risky; something that could either lead into complete destruction or into the prosperity of life. The Light exploded itself into seperate lights and seperated throughout the cosmos. Some lights shone great and strong still, able to fight the darkness. Others shone weaker, but managed to survive by other means. Some were not so lucky. Some lights were devoured by the darkness. A strange phenomenon occured however, when the darkness devoured this light. The darkness seperated as well. The lights devoured didn't extinguish, but rather changed. The darkness that devoured the light merged with the light and became never-before-seen beings of grey. Some sided with the darkness, but some sided with the light.

The stalemate was broken, and the war between light and dark became ever more chaotic. The beings of light all had different aspects of the original Great Light; they all had different personalities and developed in their own way, managing to think up new plans to fight the dark.

The Darkness and it's allies of grey fought on but inevitably started to give way to the light. The Darkness realised that it had to try the same plan that the Great Light had done to survive this war, but The Darkness wasn't willing to seperate itself completely. Instead, The Darkness broke off parts of itself into new beings, but kept the mass of it's power to itself, creating an army to fight under it's direct rule. The Darkness and it's army fought back against the Alliance of Lights.

The Darkness and the Lights seemed equal in their strength, and the war continued for milenia.

Eventually something completely unheard of happened that would change the war forever. Some say it was the first instance of love in the cosmos. Some might argue, however, and say it was pure chance, or it was a mutually agreed way to change the neverending war. However it happened, it happened. A great being of Light and a great being of Dark stopped fighting and converged together. From them were born the Colours. Beings of power were created. Red, blue, yellow. Purple, green, orange. And colours in between. New beings of unheard-of power had come into existence, beings that defied the purposes of the original Dark and Light. They weren't compelled by the simple desires to destroy or create, they had completely individual purposes.

The war between Light and Dark didn't stop, but the landscape had changed. Some of these beings of colour sided with the dark, and some with the light. Some didn't seem interested in the war whatsoever, and some created their own, third, army within the conflict. With the knowledge that these new beings could be created, however, the war had changed.

Beings of Dark would overpower beings of Light and force them to converge, creating more beings of colour for malevolent purposes. One being of darkness devoured a being of light and created the powers or colour without losing it's original being, becoming a being of Dark wielding powers unlike any other.

Eventually our world came into creation. 8 beings worked together to create our world. These beings would be known to us as Gods. A God of Light, a Red God, a Blue God, a Green God, a Purple God, a Yellow God, an Orange God, and a God of Darkness. These 8 God's worked together to create our world; a world where anything could happen. A world that could hold the secret to ending this war. These 8 Gods sacrificed themselves to merge together and thus the world was created. Over time came the various races of our world. The plants, the animals, the humans, the tahke, the sundir, the dragons, even the skavven.

Saturday 7 June 2014

The Shattered Glass

 It's been awhile, but here's a new short

A wave of guests arrived in the port city located in the piece of land named the 'Shattered Glass'; named so because of the cliffs overseeing the water jutting out like just that, shattered glass. This wave of guests, uninvited and unexpected, would leave a terrible mark upon the world that day.

It started with an army of ships that shouldn't have been allowed to dock into the port as they were far too many to come unannounced. Yet for some reason they were allowed. Thousands of men came from those boats, barbaric and intimidating. At their head was their leader, the renowned Warlord Reck. The rumours were well known, and perhaps that was why they were allowed entrance without question. This army of ruffians were known to be deadly, and there was no trouble wanted. Warlord Reck himself had no intention of starting any war with this port city.

His army swarmed through the streets, planning on heading straight out of the city and onto their next destination. People of the Shattered Glass stood by to watch the spectacle, lining the streets and watching from balconies, being sure to give plenty of space to the dreaded warband.

One man, however, stood in the middle of the street, intent on not allowing them to pass.

Warlord Reck, completely unarmed and unarmoured, strode up to him without any semblence of fear. He said no words. He stood in silence looking down at the man, for he stood tall above him, casting him in his shadow. It was the man barring them passage who broke the silence.

"You.... you're.... Reck.. are you not?" he asked nervously, the fear, the trepidation, clear to all who watched.

"I am he" Reck answered simply.

The man looked almost saddened by the reply, but he gathered himself in his resolve and drew his weapon; a simple longsword.

"You must pay for your crimes" he said, daring to stare up at the Warlord, looking him in the eyes. He glanced away in fear, but forced himself to meet Reck's gaze.

"You.... and your 'men'. You murdered my wife! My children! Everything I ever cared about...." he said, his voice trailing off quietly. As his eyes went down to the ground once again. He stood there, shaking his head in grief, then steeled himself again.

"You WILL pay!" he shouted angrily. He brought his sword up and charged at the man towering above him, and then he swung his sword.

All watching gasped, and then silence descended as Reck brought up his hand and moved the sword aside as if it were a toy. He touched the flat of the blade with his palm and simply moved it to the side. He then grabbed the man's shoulder and threw him past, causing the man to fall to the floor in a tangled heap as his sword fell from his grasp. Reck then carried on walking as if nothing had happened.

The man panicked, grasping around for his sword. Then, as he found it, he clenched his grip in anger and stood up again, resolved to make Reck pay. Reck's men were around him then. They swiflty and quietly grabbed him and ripped him to pieces, as if it were a simple task. Then they walked past him, leaving his remains in a bloody mess on the floor.

Whether it was the man attacking him, or whether it was a simple whim, noone could be sure, but Reck stopped and turned to his men who ran to catch up to him.

"Tear this city apart"

He didn't shout it. He said it quietly. The only people who could hear him were those standing closest to him, but the order was relayed with such speed that within minutes his entire army were roaring the order at each other. The barbarians left the streets and swarmed the surrounding houses. The city itself didn't last long at all. That was the day that the Shattered Glass fell, brutally and mercilessly, to the army of Walord Reck.