Monday 18 April 2016

Dark Souls 3

    I'm planning on continuing writing stories but for the moment I've been sucked into Dark Souls 3.

It's a very addictive game. It's still as hard as usual. I never completed the first or even started the second, but I've been assured that it's harder than both. It uses the same format, of course, with important changes if you've played the previous games and only very slight changes if you haven't. The game works exactly the same as before, which is good, because it had a good format going for it.

   It is of course very fustrating when you come across creatures that will just destroy you until you memorise their attack patterns, or get lucky, but it makes it very satisfying when you gain that slight semblence of progression. Plus if it gets too hard you can always go back and just kill creatures until you level up. If you're playing online you can put up a summon sign outside boss areas so people can summon you to help them, which is very rewarding. You get souls for doing this, and if you die while helping someone you don't lose any souls. So helping people is a zero risk but great reward system.

   So yeah, it's very fun. I'm most likely going to carry on playing this for a while, then write some more after. If anyone is thinking about buying Dark Souls 3 I would reccomend that you do! The community is especially cool right now while it's new. There are always loads of people available to summon for bosses, and people will summon you if you want to get involved. Or you can even invade people or fight off invaders. After enjoying this game so much I've decided to definitely go back to Dark Souls at some point, and probably go through Dark Souls 2. I might even have to get Demon Souls. Graphics on the old games obviously aren't as good but the gameplay sure is.

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