Monday 25 July 2016

Pokemon Go, Overwatch, and others

So Pokemon Go came out recently in the UK, and I've been giving it a whirl.

 It's pretty fun, when the server isn't having problems, and most the time the server is having problems. You go around collecting pokemon, the more you walk around the more likely you are to get more pokemon, and in this game unfortunately you don't level up your pokemon by fighting, you level up your pokemon by catching more of that same pokemon to get "candy" for that pokemon, and that candy is a necessity to level up your pokemon. The game is broken in many ways at the moment, but it's still fun. It can make a 45 minute walk to work or to a friend's house less boring and actually fun. It's also fun to go around with your friends catching pokemon. Also soon to come into the game are battling other players (rather than only gyms) and trading, which should make it more interesting.

Another game I've been playing is Overwatch, which is Blizzard's new FPS game. And it's pretty fantastic. You pick out of the array of almost superhero-like characters that Blizzard have created and two teams of 6 go head to head in battle. It's a lot of fun, and it's pretty well balanced. One of the characters were recently buffed, although I felt that they didn't need a buff, and the buff hasn't made them overpowered, so joy for everyone. Also a brand new character has recently been introduced, Ana, and she came into the game with very unique abilities, yet she fits perfectly in to the current selection of characters without being under or over powered.

I also picked up Pocket Mortys, a Rick and Morty game that is a bit of a piss-take of Pokemon. It's actually pretty fun, and funny. It's a very simple game, but it works well. It's also free. So if you're a fan of Rick and Morty, and you haven't tried Pocket Mortys yet, give it a try.

Also itching to try out Starbound, officially released now. If you don't know what Starbound is, it's like Terarria but in space. And if you don't know what Terarria is, it's like a 2D version of minecraft. In Starbound you can visit worlds to explore and/or rip apart for resources. One cool feature of Starbound is your own personal spaceship. When you're in between worlds you're in your spaceship, which you can upgrade and customise. You can also, now, visit other people's worlds for a multiplayer experience.

There is also Rust, which is a 3D survival game. Similar to Minecraft, but with relatively good graphics, although don't get me wrong I do love Minecraft's pixel graphics. Rust seems pretty immersive and enjoyable. And it looks like there's a lot you can do in it. Rust is currently only in Alpha, and on Steam costs £14.99, which I actually can't afford at the moment. So we'll see. Might give it a try in the coming months.

Broken World Chapter 6 will be coming soon. It looks like I've slipped into a once-a-month chapter habit, and it looks like I'm late this month. I want to get it written as soon as possible, as I do for chapter 7, and 8, and 9. E.c.t. So, we'll see.

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